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Friday, February 1, 2008

next week stuff :)

-> minutes of meeting / outline nung report
-> consultation thing
-> discuss modals [quiz on tues]
-> reporting is moved to friday. :D

-> read next chap.
-> quiz ?
-> from props head:
palagay sa blog na magdala ng black na trash bags ang ating mga classmates :) and pakilagay na din dun na ang props and costumes committee will train next week na maglagay ng makeup and magayos ng buhok. ;) >:) pati next week din kami gagawa ng props and background ... love patrizze... thanks very much!

-> our beloved exhibit. 8D
--- bring PAINT. lots of it. :))
--- all colors of the rainbow
--- pero more on black, white, brown, red, green

-> quiz.

-> practical. :p

-> size 1.

1. a multiple allelic series is known in the chinese primose where A (alexandria type = white eye) > a" (normal type = yellow eye) > a (primose queen type = large yellow eye). determine the GR and PR for the following crosses:

a) a"a" x Aa"
b) Aa x a"a
c) Aa" x aa

2. "erminette" fowls have mostly light-colored feathers with occasional black one, giving a "flecked" appearance. a cross of two erminettes produced a total of 48 progeny, consisting of 22 erminettes, 14 blacks, and 12 pure whites.

a) what specific non-Mendelian mode of inheritance is shown in this example?
b) prove your answer to letter (a) by showing the cross between the two erminette parents mentioned in this problem. indicate the GR and PR of the offspring.

3. among the many antigenic substances that may occur on human red blood cells are two known as M and N. individuals' phenontypes are referred to as M, N, or MN, depending on which antigen or antigens they produce (one, the other, or both). in any case of an M father and N mother, children are always MN.
a woman with blood type M had a child with blood type MN. she said that a certain man who had blood type MN was the father and he claimed he was not.

a) with this information, can you exclude this man as the father?
b) show the cross between the woman of blood type M and the MN man to prove if your answer to (a) is correct.

4. in the guinea pig, the gene for coat color may be occupied by any of the ff. alleles: C (black), ck (sepia), cd (cream), or ca (albino). the dominance hierarchy is as follows: C>ck>cd>ca. determine the genotype of each individual and predict the phenotypic ratios of the offspring:

a) sepia x cream, where both had an albino parent
b) heterozygous black & sepia x albino
c) cream x sepia, where both had one pure cream parent

-> size 1.

1. in snapdragons, red flower color is incompletely dominant over white flower color; the heterozygous plants have pink flowers.

a) if a red-flowered plant is crossed with a white-flowered plant, what are the genotypes and phenotypes of the plants of the F1 generation?
b) what genotypes and phenotypes can be produced in the F2 generation?
c) what kinds of offspring can be produced if a red-flowered plant is crossed with a pink-flowered plant?
d) what kinds of offspring can be produced if a pink-flowered plant is crossed with a white-flowered plant?

2. radishes may have any of these shapes: long, spherical or oval. crosses of long x spherical always produce an F1 consisting only of oval radishes. if long radishes are crossed to oval radishes, what is the resulting PR of the progeny?

3. in cattle and horses, reddish coat color is not completely dominant to white coat color. heterozygous animals have a mixture of reddish-color and white hairs, which is called roan. if you saw a white mare nursing a roan foal,

a) what would you guess was the coat color of the foal's father?
b) is there a chance to develop a pure line roan?
c) illustrate a cross that will have a 50-50 chance of having a foal with either a reddish or roan coat color.

4. among the many antigenic substances that may occur on human red blood cells are two, known as M and N. individuals' phenotypes are referred to as M, N, or MN depending on which antigen or antigens they produce (one, the other, or both). in any case of an M father and N mother, children are always MN. give the resulting PR when an MN individual marries an N individual? M individual?


1. nameplate [tapos na]
2. news
[a] coverage: jan-feb 2008
[b] minimum number of stories: 7
--- 1 story no less than 100 words
--- variety
3. features
[a] types required:
--- personality [spcp figure]
--- events/experiences
--- how to
[b] min. # of words per story = 200
[c] opinion
--- masthead
--- cartoon
--- editorial
--- column
* cartoon, editorial, & column must have different issues
* SPCP issue

* this will be our periodical test
* nameplate = quiz #1
* stories = quiz
* all news kailangan sa friday [o.o]



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