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Monday, January 28, 2008



-> start preparing for the ramayana reports. :>
-> ung reminders for reporting bukas ko tlga ipopost. =))

-> quiz. :p
-> JAPAN EXHIBIT [from dindin ;)]
--- List of materials EVERYBODY SHOULD BRING. EVERYBODY HA. Not just the props people. :) WE MUST WIN THIS. We can if we all help. Thank you very much. :D

1. shoeboxes (of different sizes – as narrow as converse, as big as your dad’s shoebox, and even as small as your little sister’s Barbie shoebox -> remember the pagoda theme. It has to become smaller and smaller :))
2. small cereal boxes or paper cartons (do not flatten them please. We need them standing to make the mini city)
3. newspaper
4. glue (or sticky tack for the stuff on the walls. We can’t glue or tape to that. So yeah.:D )
5. poster paint (all colors of the rainbow- in case you don’t know =)) red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet + BLACK, BROWN, GRAY AND WHITE -> IN SHORT- all colors you can get)
6. scissors
7. light pink crepe paper (LOTS OF THIS PLEASE- to make Rach’s cherry blossom dream come true :))
8. and of course, JAPANESE STUFF. Take a tour of your house, steal anything obviously Japanese, and then assure your parents you will return them right after the day of the presentation, Feb 15/18. If it’s too valuable, bring them only on the day we will be judged. :D
9. Pictures of famous Japanese landmarks (buildings as much as possible)
10. A picture of a part of Tokyo

-> ung mga materials for the activity thing.
-> kuhaan nba ng cards? XD



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