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Monday, January 21, 2008


-> worksheet.

-> quiz.
-> read p81 of textbook.
-> letter of request - interview.
--- state request/issue
--- explain situation [ explain purpose of interview ]
--- cite details / cite specific questions
--- reiterate importance of request
* state date,time, and venue of proposed interview
* if applicable, include below sig. line
>>> Noted By: _____
-> about the reporting. :)
--- feb 5: grp1
--- feb 8: grp2
--- feb 11: grp3&4
--- feb 12: grp5&6
--- feb 15: grp7
--- feb 18: grp8 [mahabharata]
* explain plot [drawings, skit, blah]
* characters
* evaluation [theme,values]

-> to those who took the sci. dd/sd test:
--- size 2. venn diagram.
--- front: causes of ww1 & ww2
--- back: effects of ww1 & ww2

-> pay the fair shirt. :)
-> pay the ticket. :)
-> ang alam ko may dapat dalin, pero nkalimutan ko na kung ano. xD

that is all. :))


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