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Tuesday, September 11, 2007


hello classmates.
no one is updating our dear blog. :p
anyways. we are filled with lotsa hws and school stuff. :)
w00t for us. :))


-- reaction paper.
[guide questions]
1. What are the different dances in the northern provinces? Describe.
2. What are the musical and dance forms during the Spanish era? Give the function of each.
3. Give 5 presentations that you liked. Why?
4. Did you learn something new about our history through the presentation? Explain.
5. Would you recommend the show for your friends and fellow students? Why or why not?
6. Comments and Suggestions.:) [a]"Journey to the Philippines" [b]Future Cultural Shows

-- journal thing.
-- article of someone who resisted temptation. ? :/

-- i think we have quizzes or something. or wala ata. =))
-- dapat wala tayong pasok. :| hahatulan si erap dude. daya ng quezon city! haha.

*and for the next days:)*

-- there is a hw. but i dont know what it is. XD

-- our final draft. printed and stuff. :)

-- the materials for the group thing.

-- its our balagtasan on sept 27 and 28! oyea. :D


so thats it. i think :))
happy day and good luck to all.
weee. :D


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