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Thursday, August 2, 2007


Writing Activities in Campus Journalism

I. Newsgathering

A. Identify a STORY in SPCP that deserves to be reported. This may either be an event or an issue containing the necessary elements that interest your public (ex. election of officers, leadership training, "Speak English" drive, interschool contests, Seniors' preferred courses and schools, etc.). You are encouraged to work on "non-traditional" stories such as a survey or evaluation results on the efficiency of a school project, the effectiveness of the school policy on waste segregation, etc. Observe. Be a nosy reporter. Attempt to do "simple" investigative techniques*. Make sure, however, that you observe accuracy, fairness and balance. All claims must be substantiated by evidences.

B. Identify and enumerate the important DETAILS/FACTS of the story. Write only those that you intend to include in your report. Conduct interviews from the right sources when necessary. Double-check facts because these will likewise be double-checked (by me**).

C. Point out the ANGLE that you intend to play up, and briefly explain why. Remember that the angle is the "it" of the story:

1. that which makes the story interesting because it's new or
controversial, or
2. that which may have been ignored but is significant

D. Attach a paper trail or a documentation of the newsgathering activity. This may be the original interview notes or a picture of the event covered or the actual interview

(Format of the report is in the next post)

II. In no more than 7 sentences, explain what the following statement means:

"I want stories to startle and engage me within the first few sentences,
and in their middle to widen, deepen or sharpen my knowledge of human activity,
and to end by giving me a sensation of completed statement." ---John

*Meaning scientific method. Joke lang yun.
**Sir Ruben Velarde Jr.


  • I can't take this! Why do we have such a hard homework? I mean... I don't have a printer.... and I have to get to the hassle of e-mailing the homework to.... *who's that again*?....

    By Anonymous Anonymous, At August 2, 2007 at 4:01 AM  

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