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Wednesday, July 4, 2007

03-04 July 2007

Join our Yahoogroup for the powerpoint presentations used in the class.

a) On a size 1, answer these questions:
1. What is a flowchart?
2. Differentiate the two types of flowcharts.
3. Give at least 5 flowcharting symbols and its application.
b) Starting next meeting, a pencil and an eraser is necessary for the class. Kinda. :)

a) With the list of the Asian traits HW in your notebook, write: P-to preserve, M-to modify, or S-to suppress that trait. Letters only yan a. :)
b) Read p. 52-56 of the book, then answer this question: How does the belief in karma, dharma, and ahimsa affect India? Write it in your notebook.

Mandala will be submitted tomorrow.

Leadership training tomorrow! :) Bring snacks, your lunch, a blindfold, Bible, nametag, writing materials, long bond paper, manila paper, marker and masking tape.


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