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Monday, July 30, 2007

Mondeii. :) 73007


Pointers :)

~ systems of linear equations
- solving by graphing
- elimination
- substitution
- types of systems
- problem solving
~ systems of linear inequalities [ graphing ]
~ laws / properties of exponents
- simplifying
- evaluating
- exponential equations
~ roots of numbers
~ fractions as exponents

...Good Luck 'daw' XD... :D


coverage ng exam :)

test 1: multiple choice [ mixed topics ]
test 2: triple matching type [ organic compounds ]
test 3: true / false [ inorganic compounds and characteristics of living things ]
test 4: analogy [ cell structure and function ]
test 5: essay [ benefits and impact of biology ]

woot. XD

Computer: envelope and quiz. :)
Bio: [ndd] - parent's siggy dun sa quiz log. :|

that is all. sori nman kung gbi naaah. =))


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