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Monday, October 22, 2007


* whole day practice tomorrow :)*

ito na ung cheer. please memorize. :)
we came to play it, we came to take it
so you can give it, but we will make it

sophomores[3x] go[3x]

sophomores[3x] go[3x]

sugod! sugod!
tayong mga sophies!
susugod na ang mga sophies!
babawi na ang mga sophies!
aba! aba!
sobra na kaming handa [2x]
rally [6x]
sugod [2x] sophies!

we shout it out
playing harder just to throw you away
step back. step up.
the game is ours to play
we'll win this now, sophomores
we can win today [3x]
we shout it out!

we'll take the glory home today [3x]
we'll touch god this time!

*envelopes for the dead
*last collection na nung newspapers. :)
*reply slips for the intrams. :)
*sa peeps na hinde pa nagpapas nung parents consent thing wid da waiver thing, magpass na kaio. :))


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