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Wednesday, October 17, 2007

reminders. read veeeery caaarefully. :))

1. WE SERIOUSLY NEED TENTS. Have mercy on the 6 people who will go to the msep. If you don't bring tents, they're gonna have to sleep on the floor. If their backs hurt, it'll be all because of you. :)) haha. basta. if ya have 'em, bring 'em tomorrow. thanks. :))

2. MAY TALK SA HAPON BUKAS, KAYA WALANG PE. So that means, the test will either be sometime on Friday, or whenever. Basta i think it's part of the 2nd quarter, so kailangan may scores na by friday. kaya study parin. :)) thanks

3. Submit the stuff (World Book Online reply slips, Envelopes for the Dead...just check your filecase for unopened circulars and blank forms :D)

4. CHEER. Di pa ata nagsisink in na next week na ung intrams. Sige. Let's put it this way. If we have a cheer by tomorrow, we have 4 days to practice it, kung sa friday pa, 3 days nalang, kung next week pa, 2 days nalang, etc. you do the math. :)) AAAAND. even 4 days isn't enough.

So please please listen to songs or watch movies or whatever that could help you guys think of cheers. PLEASE. DO AS MUCH AS YOU CAN. kahit like, lyrics lang. or beat, or rhythm. ANYTHING. As much as possible, orig. Pero if you have to copy, unti lang, wag naman every word pareho. If you want a nice cheer, YOU HAVE TO HELP THINK OF ONE. :):)

5. Do you homework and BEHAVE.

okay un lang. :)


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