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Friday, September 28, 2007


hooray for the weekends! :D
anyways.. stuff for next week. :)

-> the persuasive essay/s
--- pick any of the topics
[1] koreanovelas are better than bollywood films
[2] harakiri can save the world
[3] sadako is the modern day asian icon
[4] (any fil. local artist) is the best in asia
[5] women are better than men
--- make sure you have supporting details to convince readers
--- it is 25 pts. :)
--- minimum of 3 paragraphs for the body
--- write the essay on a size 1. :)
--- submission: Oct. 2, tuesday. :)
--- * you can make an extra essay for extra points. :)
--- * you still have to compose your own thesis statement and title
--- 40%[content] 30%[clarity] 30%[grammar]

-> may quiz ba ? uhh.. ewan ko eh. XD
-> checking of the notebooks.. for real. =))

-> we have a summative test. :)

-> may unit test ba taio ? :p
-> the GMO thingy. :)

-> you have a "rotating quiz". :p
-> 2 activity sheets. :)

-> the worksheet. [ iung knina. :D ]
-> quiz about leaves. :) [ last quiz na ata to. :D ]

-> accdg to our blackboard knina.. XD .. bring books for the book drive. :) and for the newspaper drive.. un nlang newspaper na dinadala nio for journ. :) and! dapat daw ung newspaper pile nten as tall as Lizzie [:))] or taller. para masaya. =))
-> the exam reply slips. ? :)
-> exams are next week. so.. study. :D
-> complete all your requirements. :p
-> be a good student. XD
-> again.. the periodical exam is next week. be alaramed. XD haha.

btw. happy bday Lizzie ~!XD
so.. i think that's it. :D
have a nice weekend everyone! :) ~


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