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Wednesday, February 27, 2008


-> II-3. please read: PROPS, BRING THE STUFF TOMORROW AND STAY UNTIL 6 PM. FOR THE REST OF YOU PEOPLE, if you're part of the cast: MEMORIZE YOUR LINES. very unlikely walang pasok sa friday. if you're costume or make up or whatever: DO WHATEVER YOUR CHAIRPERSON THING ASKS YOU. i have no idea what you guys are doing now :)) whatever it is, do it. if you're music: FINALIZE EVERYTHING, make sure it's ready to play na: sa iPod with speakers, CD, whatever. if you don't know what you're supposed to do: PRAY FOR THE REST OF YOUR CLASSMATES. :)) THANKSSSS!!!
-> add: lights people, kyla needs the lights tomorrow filipino time. cast memorize lines. STOP LAUGHING. props finish all tomorrow.

-> project yo. :))

-> unit test ?
-> and the relays thing?
-> basta. =))

* hoy, BAKA walang pasok sa friday. pero "baka" lang. =))
* that is all. 8D



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